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Should your Small Business Start a Blog?

bloggingWith easy access to social media and website creation tools, having a platform to share your thoughts is astoundingly easy. For a company, especially a small one, blogging is a potential avenue to build, or harm, brand strength. So the question is, should your small business start one?

Yes, absolutely.

The power of social media is unprecedented, and blogs are an extension of that. while you might run media campaigns through Facebook, Instagram and/or Pinterest, a blog is a bit different. Now, there’s a direct line between you and the consumer, creating opportunities to showcase stories, highlight products, or even go over upcoming news.

Think of a blog as a portal where anyone can get the latest about your services. To top it off, you can even generate ad revenue with the proper resources, provided your blog has enough traffic.

But even if it doesn’t, it’s a great way to start generating said traffic. A blog will allow your business to enter another hemisphere of attention, the internet. No matter what kind of organization you run, you’ll be loading content to the web for others to potentially see.

It also has the advantage of generating “evergreen” content, or online material that’s always valuable. For example, maybe your small business deals with home security. Therefore, every week you might post a blog that deals with tips for increasing security at home, while using your services/product. This information remains relevant throughout the year and helps generate steady clicks when marketed properly.

Blogs also help your small business achieve a voice, a character. It could be a no-nonsense professional resource, or, something a bit more casual and friendly. Or both! There’s really no limit to the type of content to a small bog. Newsletters, highlights, how-to’s and so on. All you need is some creativity and a dedicated writer.

When you create this sense of identity, your brand then becomes stronger. People can recognize the “voice” of your business, even if it’s small. Therefore, they have – or feel they have – a closer relationship with the business, trusting it more than a standard company. This kind of ‘bond’ with potential consumers is invaluable, as it encourages repeat business and gives you a direct line to your clients.

While it might seem needless to have a blog, the fact is, social media and the like have an enormous presence on the web. Blogs don’t have to be complicated – just an extension of your company or a way to reach out to an online audience. From there, you can expect gains in attention, and maybe even a little profit.

The best part is, there are numerous ways to start blogs for free. More serious parties can upgrade with additional features, or just use the blog as is. It’s a win-win scenario!